Let’s help all our children soar!
Every teacher and administrator wants the very best for each and every student.
But not everyone is prepared to identify and address the full range of needs of our ELL students. Not everyone is skilled and experienced at identifying the potential behind the challenges these students may bring to the classroom.
The reality is that most teacher and administrator training programs do not include any focus on the complexity of educating the ELL and immigrant student population.
There are more than 5 million English language learners in U.S. school systems.
It’s one of the fastest-growing demographics in our schools. And the educators who teach this exceptional population include everyone—not just teachers with direct classroom contact.
The entire school is the English language learner's world.
We must be prepared to identify and address the full range of needs of our ELL students.
We are charged with the premise that “all teachers are teachers of ELLs.”
As such, the circle of impact must widen to include the entire school community, from the classroom to the cafeteria.
That’s where we come in.
We can collaborate with you to respond to your and your ELLs’ needs.
We support K-12 educators, administrators, and staff by providing the tools and strategies you need to support ELLs in your school or district and collaborating with you to find the best way to respond to their individual needs.
We can provide support not just for ELL specialists but for your entire school community.
Our school and district-based book study approach has proven to be an effective way to engage a broad audience in a discussion of what our ELLs are facing in their transition and how we can ease the process.
Our workshops can provide strategies on how the school community can tap into the hidden potential that our ELLs bring into our schools so that they can achieve the success we all want for our kids.
Hi! I’m Bolgen Vargas.
I have a long career of supporting teachers, students, administrators, and families in multiple environments.
As a non-native English speaker and immigrant, I have first-hand experience in the transition such students go through. I also have experience with the kinds of support that help a student like me to reach their full potential.
As a retired school counselor and superintendent of schools, I’m aware of the challenges K-12 educators face and the resources that would help them support their students.
Together we can define innovative approaches to address your needs and those of your students.
To help K-12 educators tap into the hidden potential and superpowers of their ELL students so teachers can thrive and students can soar.

Bolgen Vargas’ life began in a small rural hamlet in the Dominican Republic where he walked barefoot to school or, on a lucky day, rode on the back of a donkey.
As a teenager without any knowledge of the English language he transitioned to the bewildering environment of New York City to join his mother. He beat the odds that his beginnings would have predicted by graduating from high school.
A graduate of SUNY Brockport and from the University of Pennsylvania, GSE, he spent his entire career educating children from all walks of life. He has worked in adult education, as well as serving as a high school counselor and Superintendent of the Rochester, NY School District and the Manchester, NH School District. In addition, he has served in leadership roles in civic and community-based organizations, including President of the Rochester City Schools Board of Education.
He is a lifelong learner and educator who has dedicated his career to helping students achieve and succeed to their fullest potential.
Dr. Vargas believes in setting high expectations for school district staff members, students, and families, then providing the support they need to succeed.
Recently, he had a book published in the United Kingdom by John Catt from Hodder Education, Let Our Children Soar! The Complexity and Possibilities of Educating the English Language Student.
Favorite Pastimes
Reading, following baseball (particularly the Mets), walking my dog, Lindo, cooking, gardening, and spending time with family and friends
Favorite Places
The ocean, the forest, the farm, urban exploration nationally and internationally

Our Approach
We’ll work with you to promote a rich teaching and learning environment for multilingual learners and K-12 educators.
We listen first.
First, let’s talk. Help us understand your unique needs and challenges in educating your ELL students.
We respond second.
Then, we’ll collaborate on innovative ways to address your issues using our extensive experience and knowledge.
We support always.
Finally, we’ll help you implement, troubleshoot, and track progress toward your goals.
You’ll be working with a team of experienced professionals who have been where you are (and, for some of us, have been ELL students ourselves).
We use a flexible approach so we can be responsive to your specific needs and develop strategies that will be most effective for your students and your environment.
We aim to foster a school- and district-wide environment of collaboration among educators to address the complexity and possibilities of educating ELL students.
We all want to see our students succeed!
Who We Are
We collaborate with a team of educational advisors. After listening to your needs and challenges, we’ll match you with an advisor who has the expertise appropriate to your needs and goals.
Annamaria Falzarano
Annamaria Falzarano has extensive experience in the field of World Language education as a classroom teacher, Teacher on Special Assignment, and district administrator.
She led the Office of World Languages in the Greece Central School District in Rochester, NY during a period of significant growth of the MLL population, welcoming many students who in their young lives had already experienced interrupted formal education and trauma due to unrest in their home countries.
In response, Annamaria developed and implemented innovative programs such as the ENL Family Literacy Program for students and their families, a K-5 Dual Language program for Spanish, and a K-12 ENL Newcomer’s Program, among others.
As a leader, she provides high quality professional learning opportunities designed to support staff and to accelerate student learning.
Annamaria is a lifelong learner and is passionate about sharing her knowledge and experience with those entrusted with the daily work of educating our students.
Annamaria and her family enjoy travel and gathering in the kitchen to try new recipes together. In summer she can be found attending many of the local craft and music festivals in the Rochester area. Her greatest joy is being able to spend time with her granddaughter. She is fond of all types of music and is trying her hand at watercolor painting and learning to play the drums!
Mary Doyle
Mary Doyle has worked in leadership roles in several school districts, supported schools as a trusted partner, and served nonprofit organizations to improve outcomes for all students.
Mary is the former Executive Director of State School Improvement Interventions for the New York City Department of Education, where she served for nearly a decade. She oversaw the implementation of state-led initiatives including School Receivership, schools identified as having the lowest performance in the state. New York City started with 62 Receivership schools and was down to 12 when Mary returned to Rochester.
Prior to New York City, Mary was Chief of Staff and Chief of School Innovation for the Rochester City School District for over four years. She first led the new Office of School Innovation and school improvement efforts. As Chief of Staff, she implemented district priorities. Mary was previously the District Strategic Planner for the Providence Public Schools.
Mary holds an Advanced Certificate in School District Leadership from the University of Rochester and a Master’s in Education Policy and Management from the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. She holds New York State School District Leader (SDL) certification and is a graduate of East High School in the Rochester City School District.
What others are saying:
"Annamaria is a servant leader who is culturally competent and aware of the unique academic and linguistic needs of students in the school community.
During her tenure in our school district, she designed dynamic instructional programs for multilingual learners as well as created opportunities to support their families with the resources needed to navigate a new language, culture and school system.
Her passion for the work is evidenced in her advocacy for diverse learners, dedication to improving achievement outcomes and ability to foster strong relationships with all stakeholders."
Ashley Dame-Marino
Assistant Director of English as a New Language, Greece Central School District
"I really liked this book. It is a personal testimonial of how important schooling with love and care is to students like the author.
His story is not much different than that of many of us. We can definitely relate and that makes this reading all the more enjoyable.
The book also provides the instructors, administrators, and parents with a variety of references to authors and professionals who have given us ample evidence in support of the statements held dearly by Dr. Vargas. I will be buying additional copies and giving them away as presents to my colleagues in education."
Dr. Jose G. Rivera
K-12 Educator
Our Core Values
The foundation to establishing a thriving and collaborative relationship among K-12 educators, administrators, ELLs, and their families.
Essential to moving from one level to the next and addressing complex challenges in K-12 education.
Acknowledges that we all have more to learn from one another.
Dignifies the dedication, contribution, capabilities, and potential of every individual.
Measured by the satisfaction of the people we serve.
Favorite Books for ELL Educators